Our mission is to deliver breakthrough innovations that extend and improve the lives of people with cancer.
Everyone knows someone who has been touched by cancer. When that diagnosis happens, what matters most isn’t what the next breakthrough is, but when will it get here.
We are working to prevent cancer where we can. We give patients more ways to treat their cancer that adds more vitality and quality to their lives.
Our work in oncology
people employed in research and development
people reached through our major programs and partnerships
invested in R&D in 2020
Our research in cancer
Our team of researchers and scientists brings together a deep understanding of genomics, biology, and the immune system to advance the way we fight cancer. We focus our efforts on cancer types with the highest unmet medical needs.
Programs that make a difference
Keeping the hope from within
Cancer affects thousands of Filipinos every year, placing an immense burden on patients and their families. We at MSD in the Philippines aim to redefine cancer care for Filipino patients and caregivers through Hope From Within.
We highlight the importance of prevention and early detection, as well as access to innovative treatment options to increase the chances of survival and improve the quality of life among cancer patients. We believe we can improve health outcomes by keeping the hope from within alive among cancer patients, caregivers, and advocates.
Visit Hope From Within’s social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube:
There are many aspects of our work in Oncology
Sharing our stories is a privilege. Let’s keep inspiring each other until these health challenges are in the past.

Our commitment is unwavering
As long as there are still patients in hospitals, doctors desperate to add years to the lives of their patients, and a world where treatments aren’t accessible to all, we will be here: fighting with all we have to deliver more, sooner.